Essential News

What hiring managers and professionals need to know – without the fluff.

Workers using laptop and clipboard

Affordable Care Act Compliance

The Affordable Care Act is the most sweeping health care legislation in decades. Starting Jan. 1, 2015, companies with 100 or more full-time or full-time equivalent employees must comply with the employer provisions of the law.

Essential Personnel is committed to ACA compliance—both in letter and in spirit. We are also committed to using our expertise to help clients navigate the complexities of the law and to understand the nature and extent of the additional staffing costs they will incur.

Essential Personnel is a member of the American Staffing Association. As such, and as set forward in the ASA Statement of Principles, we are dedicated to the legal and ethical management of U.S. workers. We will therefore work diligently to help our clients implement legitimate workforce strategies and will not participate in practices that violate the law’s intent.

We look forward to learning about any questions you may have regarding the ACA and how we may continue to be of assistance as your trusted workforce solutions partner.




