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Tech Savvy HR

The biggest challenge in modern HR is how to best advocate for and implement the new technologies available to improve the recruiting and management process. Technology is fast changing, and many may feel it’s not worth adopting an innovation because another will come right around the corner. But this approach means missing out on strategies and tools that are potential game-changers.

Here are eight of the top HR technology trends worth looking into:

  1. Harness big data. The time has come for HR to get on board with big data. Gathering more information—the right information—can show the impact that HR makes on a company’s performance based on its workforce, and helps you identify gaps and develop strategies to meet upcoming changes in staffing and skills needed.
  2. Adopt mobile tools. Younger employees are not the only ones who like 24/7 access to information, nor are they the only ones who can benefit from it. Information that’s readily available can lead to faster recruiting and more productivity, which benefits not only the employees but also the company as a whole.
  3. Integrate social media. Social media can serve as an effective sharing tool, connecting resources and information on the same platform for both internal and external employees. Better communication that’s integrated in the same platform can lead to more collaboration.
  4. Live in the cloud. Another way to increase collaboration is through use of cloud software. Connectivity through the cloud can help improve access to key information in a centralized location. This can help drive productivity as more teams are working together from remote locations—and even training can be streamlined.
  5. Embrace globalization. New technology is making it easier to hire employees and representatives in remote locations, to expand your company’s reach in different countries. Adopting the new technologies that help with long-distance recruitment and the virtual workplace will help your company stay ahead of the globalization curve.
  6. Let technology unite. As new technology centralizes and integrates processes for company platforms and beyond, new standard global definitions of HR metrics, systems, and terminology will emerge, further linking HR functions across borders.
  7. Grasp analytics. As a tool that brings together relevant data in a single place, consistently and easily, analytics software is a must for HR departments. It helps you see the big picture, focus on what’s happening in real time, watch new trends as they emerge, and respond quickly.
  8. Tech-up training. Training and leadership development technologies are more accessible than ever. Implement training software and use online skills testing to determine skills gaps and assess training effectiveness. This will help streamline the process within your company, not to mention making it easier for employees to participate, especially if it’s offered in mobile form.

The opportunities for growth, productivity, globalization, and efficiency that new HR technology promises are hard to ignore. If your HR department has already implemented any of these strategies, then you’re already on your way. The biggest challenge may be convincing people to be open to change, but if you don’t embrace the new, you risk being left in the dust while others move swiftly by. It’s time to leave the HR Stone Age and get tech savvy… fast.



