Finding Employment after an Extended Stint of Unemployment
Finding work can be difficult, and the longer you are unemployed, the more difficult it becomes. Many employers are skeptical of job seekers who have been unemployed for a long period of time. Here are some tips to break out of the unemployment line.
Stay Positive
Continue the job seeking process, even though it can become tedious. Don’t allow yourself to get down after a rejection, you never know what the next resume or application could bring about!
Plan Ahead
When you land an interview, do everything you can to prepare yourself. Learn about the company, research who you will be interviewing with, know how your skills will turn into dollar signs when you are hired and show your enthusiasm for returning to the workforce.
Explain Your Unemployment
It won’t be easy, but it is necessary. Explain why you have been out of work. Don’t focus on the negative, “I was laid off.” Focus on what you HAVE been doing. Show that you have been researching jobs in you field during my time unemployed. Highlight any volunteer work you have been doing, as well as further education or care giving.
Be honest about your unemployment, but confident in your readiness to get back to work.
Eventually, you will be successful in finding work, stay positive, don’t give up and in the meantime become involved in something you can add to your resume!