Essential News

What hiring managers and professionals need to know – without the fluff.

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Using Essential Personnel to Find a Job

Job searching can be exhaustive and often frustrating, particularly when you are doing it solo.  By working with Essential Personnel you will be working with individuals who possess industry knowledge and have strong connections with local business decision makers.  To make the most of working with a recruiter, here are a few tips:

Know what you are looking for.
Know what your capabilities are and what type of job is the best fit for you.  Not only what type of position you are searching for, but what type of company you would like to work for, if you prefer working independently or as a team and what skills you have to fulfill the job requirements.

Take initiative.
This is your livelihood.  While our staff members are experts, by giving them strong direction and being persistent, it will help ensure you are top of mind when they are talking to hiring managers who are looking for someone to fill their job vacancies that just happen to be a perfect fit for you. 

Build a relationship.
It is important to build a solid, professional relationship.  Keep in close contact and check in at least once a week.  Maintain contact throughout the job search and discuss what the next step will be for you both.

Expect and welcome feedback.
When you do land an interview, one of our staff members will give you feedback on your performance.  You will be able to determine areas you perform well at and possibly areas that need fine-tuning.

By working together on your job search you are sure to be successful!




