Tag: Grand Island

Workers using laptop and clipboard

Be an Inspiring Leader

There is a general consensus that being a boss does not instantly make you a leader. They are different. A person becomes a leader by

Supporting a Local Cause – Jeans for GRACE

Essential Personnel in Grand Island is a proud participant in Jeans for Grace, supporting the GRACE (Grand Island Area Cancer Endowment) Foundation. By partnering with GRACE,

We offer a referral bonus!

We are hiring, hiring, hiring! Do you know someone looking for work? We want to talk to him/her/them! To prove it, we are offering a

Office Safety Explored

It is fairly obvious that safety and health hazards can exist on worksites filled with heavy machinery and equipment, where employees often are required to

On-Site OSHA Consultation

Do you question if you are 100% compliant with OSHA? Did you know you could receive a free onsite consultation without risk of citation? OSHA’s

Necessary Job Hunting Skills

Finding a new job is a massive undertaking that can consume a lot of time and effort for job seekers. The job search process itself