Essential News

What hiring managers and professionals need to know – without the fluff.

Workers using laptop and clipboard

Be Ready for Your Holiday Help!

Hiring additional seasonal help for the holidays is a prevalent practice for many companies, especially in the retail industry.  While these extra helpers get shoppers through quicker and stock shelves faster, they cause extra work for management and HR.  Here are some tips to increase your preparedness this year.

Keep Orientation Brief and to the Point
Seasonal workers do not need to know the entire history of the company, they really only need to know the specifics on anything directly related to their position at the company.  There is no need to go over benefits that temporary workers are not eligible for, or positions they will not work in.  Do a basic, brief training that will cover all of the key points to make them effective at their job, without overloading them with information.

Prepare your Permanent Staff
Make sure that your regular staff, HR and managers are ready for the additions to their team.  It may be beneficial to put together a quick training for management to understand their role in supervising the temporary staff, as well as prepare them with specific issues and circumstances you have had arise in the past..

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
When it comes to the addition of any new team member, the most vital piece of the work puzzle is communication.  This is especially true when you are hiring a group of people.  Make sure that there is always a clear understanding of roles, as well as resources available.

Keeping a Positive Attitude
There will definitely be days that will be difficult, but it is those days that it is most important to keep smiling and keep a positive attitude.  A good plan and a good attitude will pull you through the busy holiday season!





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