It is essential to stand out at every level of the job application process, the cover letter, resume, and particularly the interview. Be prepared and remember these tips.
- Do not provide references without first checking with them. Not everyone you have worked with is concerned about what is best for your future. Make sure you discuss putting them as a reference before actually doing so. Prepare them for what the job is looking for and do what you can to ensure they will give accurate feedback and current information.
- Always turn your phone OFF during the interview process. An interrupting phone call or text can ruin the positive energy of an interview and make you seem ill prepared. The best practice would be to leave your phone in your car or at home.
- Make sure you have the address of your interview destination before leaving. If possible, drive by ahead of time so that you know how long it will take you, where you will park and any complications you will encounter on your way.
- Practice responses to common interview questions ahead of time. There are all sorts of resources available for this online. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend, but make sure to practice, practice, practice!
- When you arrive for your interview be professional and polite to all you meet. Know who you are asking for and if possible have a light conversation with the receptionist/assistant.
- Shake your interviewers hand and smile while introducing yourself. Maintain good posture during the process.
- Even though you are nervous, take time to really develop your answers. If you are unsure how to answer ask to either come back to it or for a little extra time to cultivate your response.
Follow these steps and before you know it, you will have your dream job!