Category: Essential Personnel News

Workers using laptop and clipboard

Conquering Time Management

Many of us believe there are never enough hours in the day. Yet, some people are able to achieve a significant amount of work in

Overcoming Low Unemployment Rates

The unemployment rate is very low throughout the Heartland. With a low unemployment, labor markets tighten and it becomes increasingly difficult to recruit, retain and

Job Placement Agency Standout

Essential Personnel is a job placement agency ready to help your company find top talent! We have developed practices and processes that make us stand

Winter Work Safety Tips

Do you work outside during these cold winter months? Working in the elements can be hazardous, especially when the weather turns brutally cold. Follow these

Job Placements in 2018

Looking forward into 2018, job applicants can expect greater diversity in the positions Essential Personnel has to offer as a job placement agency. We are

Have a Happy New Year!

To our valuable clients and employees, thank you for being a part of our 2017. We are very grateful for the relationships we built this